Tuesday, November 15, 2011


What is wonder?
How does one wonder?
What is wonderful?
And what is wonderful?

      I love wondering, I think mostly because it never ends. When wondering, you are wandering a path in your head with no intended destination. In fact, the path is so wide, so long, and so high off the ground that you can never explore the entire thing. It's not even a place we should be able to get to! The beauty of the wonder-filled journey is that it cannot have a finishing point and very often also lacks a starting point. How do you really begin to wonder? The entire point of wondering is thinking about something that is too great to grasp - too great to even begin to consider how much we cannot know about it!
      Unfortunately, the wondering of this world has become focused on things and experiences to the point that 'wonderful' no longer has any significant meaning. We attempt to measure wonder with reason and then label objects according to their wonderfulness. Instead, we should recognize these things as good, as blessings for which we can be thankful. But our wondering should be reserved for those things that are truly wonderful.

Wonder. And let your mind wander.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


  Whose Eyes glow
      as flames and embers everlasting,
  Whose face shines continually
      with the smile of Your precious favor,
  Only You are worthy
      of holy worship and proclamation,
So I will dance before my God;
  I will live and play in Your brilliance
      and dwell in Your delight.

Who am I,
  that you see me?
Who am I,
  that you know who I am?
And you've made me in your likeness!